Welcome to the Schumpeter School!

Foto: Rüdiger Nehmzow
We are happy that you have decided to study at the University of Wuppertal and the Schumpeter School of Business and Economics!
Whether you are starting your Bachelor's or your Master's degree, here are some services and tips for when you start your studies.
The most important facts about starting your studies
At the beginning of each semester, the Student Council, in close cooperation with the Schumpeter School, offers an orientation phase (in short: "O-Phase") lasting several days, during which you will receive all the important information and tips on starting your studies in Wuppertal. This "Welcome Week" is opened by a large welcoming event in which the University of Wuppertal welcomes all its new students.
You will then be welcomed by the Schumpeter School. Divided into small groups, you will then continue with the O-Phase programme, which lasts several days, under the guidance of experienced and thoroughly trained students from the higher semesters, the O-Phase tutors.
During the O-Phase, you will be informed in detail about the content and structure of your studies, the applicable examination regulations, your first timetable, the individual subjects and all the services of the university. You will also gain an insight into important aspects such as counselling services, how to behave at the university, tips on how to study efficiently and information on a possible semester abroad.
In order to promote networking among the first-year students and students from higher semesters, there will of course also be various accompanying programmes on offer during these days.
If you have any questions about the orientation phase, please contact the Student Council of the Schumpeter School.
As soon as your enrolment is complete, you will receive your access data for the various online services of the university. Here is an overview of the most important services:
When you start your studies at the University of Wuppertal, you will receive your own mail account (studentIDnumber@uni-wuppertal.de). Please use this email address when communicating with lecturers or university staff. Important information concerning your studies will also be sent to this address, so it is advisable to check this mail account regularly.
You can use the StudiLöwe portal to view the course catalogue, compile your timetable and register for and deregister from exams.
Lecture notes are provided via Moodle and you can find information on the individual courses here.
Unfortunately, you will not receive your access data and thus access to the online services until your enrolment is complete. Unfortunately, the Schumpeter School has no influence on this process. If you have any questions, please contact the Student Administration Office.
In your first semester, you must open an examination file, the so-called "Grüne Mappe" (green folder), at the Examinations Office. Only after you have submitted this application for admission to the Bachelor's or Master's examination can you register for examinations, for example. The deadlines by which this is possible can be found in the semester deadlines of the examination office.
With your three locations and the different buildings, orientation on campus can be a little difficult at first. You will find most of the facilities of the Schumpeter School of Business and Economics on the main campus "Grifflenberg ". Site and building plans can be found on the pages of the "Uniservice Grafikdesign".
Room details are always composed as follows: Building.Level.Room
K.11.24 is therefore room 24 on level 11 in building K.