Herbrand, Marc
Student Counsellor and Quality Manager
Quality management at University of Wuppertal consists of three pillars:
Together, these three pillars form the "QSL Network" ("Qualität in Studium und Lehre"). The network is a university-wide joint project which aims to ensure and continuously improve the quality of teaching and learning.
All employees of the QSL network coordinate in a university-wide QSL committee, which discusses relevant topics in regular meetings and develops and implements targeted measures for improving quality. These regular quality discussions are supplemented, among other things, by participation in conferences and further training on quality management.
You can find more information on the QSL Networks homepage.
Student Counsellor and Quality Manager
Student Counsellor and Quality Manager
They are available as contact persons via qsl[at]wiwi.uni-wuppertal.de.