Semester Dates
Examination Office

Welcome to the website of the Economics Department of the Central Examination Office of the University of Wuppertal.
The Examination Office manages all information relevant to your examinations. Here you can create your examination file at the beginning of your studies, register for or deregister from examinations or receive your Transcipt.
You can find further information on the pages of the Central Examinations Office.
Link to the Central Examination Office
You will find a list of the staff responsible for you at the bottom of this page.
In the following list you will find the contact details and office hours of the person in charge at the Central Examination Office of the University of Wuppertal.
The responsibility of the administrative staff for students of the Bachelor of Science and Master of Science degree programmes is divided according to the first letters of your surname.
Please only use your matriculation number e-mail address for communication!
On-site Office hours of the Examinations Office (by prior appointment)
Monday: 9am - 11am
Tuesday: 9am - 11am and 2pm - 3pm
Thursday: 9am - 11am and 2pm - 3pm
Sandra Krämer
Room: M.11.11
Phone: +49 (0)202 439 2539
E-Mail: pruefungsamt[at]
Evelyn Preuss
Room: M.11.11
Phone: +49 (0)202 439 3497
E-Mail: pruefungsamt[at]
Anja Swade
Room: M.11.11
Phone: +49 (0)202 439 5097
E-Mail: pruefungsamt[at]
Evelyn Preuss
Room: M.11.11
Phone: +49 (0)202 439 3497
E-Mail: pruefungsamt[at]
Katharina Stoßberg
Room: M.11.11
The degree programmes on the homepage of the Central Examination Office
You can find more information about your degree programme, examination regulations and other services on the homepage of the Central Examination Office.