Courses for Exchange Students


Our study system gives you a lot of freedom to organize your studies and your semester at BUW. However, this also requires a high degree of motivation, personal responsibility and good self-management from your part. The Center for Foreign Contacts supports you throughout your exchange journey. On our website you find the most important information about your course selection as well as tips for a successful completion of your courses.

As an exchange student, you have full access to our courses in English or/and German, if you meet the language requirements and the prerequisites for your selected courses.

For our courses in English you need an English level of at least B2. To successfully complete courses in German, you should have advanced German language skills (B2/ C1 recommended!).

Before your course selection

Exchange students who plan to take courses at the Schumpeter School need to be approved first. In order to advise you on your course selection we need to get an idea about your current language level and your previously taken courses.

At the beginning of the application process you receive an Email from Student Admission and Registration for International Students with information regarding required application documents. At this point you should contact the academic advisor at the Schumpeter School Mrs. Chang-Ostermeier ( to hand in the following:

  1.  A recent Transcript of Records in English. Master students additionally hand in their Bachelor's certificate in English.
  2. The result of the placement test English or German (depending on the language of instruction of your courses). Mrs. Chang-Ostermeier will send you the link to the placement test.

There is only a very limited number of Business/Economics courses for students with an English level below B2. Additionally exchange student can take professional language courses offered by the Language Learning Institute of the University such as Business English, English@Work - Intercultural Communication, German language courses etc. The experts at the Language Learning Institute will advise you on picking the perfect-fit for your exchange semester.

Information on courses

Our English-taught courses are all part of our regular degree programms such as

  • Business Administration & Economics (B. Sc.)
  • Applied Economics (M. Sc.)
  • Management and Marketing (M. Sc.)
  • Sustainability Management (M. Sc.)
  • Entrepreneurship and Innovation (M. Sc.) etc.

Exchange students can choose their courses freely from the list of English-taught courses.