Doctoral Degree Examination Board

The Doctoral Degree Examination Board decides on admission to doctoral studies, the opening of doctoral procedures, the composition of the Dctoral Degree Examination Committees and proposes amendments to the Doctoral Degree Examination Regulations to the Schumpeter School Board.

The members of the Doctoral Degree Examination Board are elected by the Schumpeter School Board. In addition to the chairperson of the Doctoral Degree Examination Board, there are three further representatives from the group of university professors, two representatives from the group of academic employees and one representative from the group of students.

The Doctoral Degree Examination Board is supported by the Doctoral Degree Examination Office in carrying out its tasks. You are welcome to contact the colleagues with all questions regarding your doctoral studies.

Link of the Doctoral Degree Examination Office


Members of the Doctoral Degree Examination Board

Group of university professors:  
Prof. Dr. Stefan Bock Chairman
Prof. Dr. Werner Bönte Vice Chairman
Prof. Dr. Hans Frambach  
Prof. Dr. Tobias Langner  
Group of academic employees:  
Dr. Volker Arendt  
Dr. Marc Grünhagen  
Group of students  
Sandra Pächtel