Research Institutes of the Schumpeter School
Below you will find a short list of the research institutes and centres of the Schumpeter School of Business and Economics, as well as the institutes the Schumpeter Scholl closely cooperates with.
Bergisches Kompetenzzentrum für Gesundheitsökonomik und Versorgungsforschung (BKG)

Bergisches Competence Centre for Health Economics and Health Services Research
The Bergisches Kompetenzzentrum für Gesundheitsökonomik und Versorgungsforschung (BKG) is supported by the common vision of its initiators: the conviction that health is a central value - for every individual, for companies and for society. Health enables performance and value creation, leads to success and satisfaction. Researching, teaching and applying what makes people healthy is therefore a central challenge of the future. The BKG focuses on human health in a variety of ways in its projects and studies.
Europäisches Institut für Internationale Wirtschaftsbeziehungen (EIIW, An-Institut)

European Institute for International Economic Relations
The European Institute for International Economic Relations (EIIW) is the first economic institute to analyse questions of economics and economic policy from a pan-European perspective. Science has a research, a teaching and an interactive function. New economic findings are to be communicated to a broader public. Current questions of economic policy are of great importance in view of the globalisation of the economy and the challenges posed by the opening of Eastern Europe and EU integration.
Institut für Gründungs- und Innovationsforschung (IGIF)

Institute for Entrepreneurship and Innovation Research (IGIF)
The Institute for Entrepreneurship and Innovation Research (IGIF) is thematically embedded in the commitment of the University of Wuppertal to the profile line "Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Economic Change". In this university-wide profile element, the University of Wuppertal has been committed to entrepreneurship for many years and has been involved from the beginning in the nationwide funding programme "EXIST - Start-ups from Science" of the BMBF and BMWi as part of the regional start-up support network bizeps. In the process, it has received several awards as the "most start-up-friendly" German university.
Jackstädtzentrum für Unternehmertums- und Innovationsforschung

Jackstaedt Centre for Entrepreneurship and Innovation Research
The interdisciplinary Jackstaedt Centre for Entrepreneurship and Innovation Research deals with topics in the field of entrepreneurship and innovation as well as diverse aspects of entrepreneurial change. The research orientation encompasses both theoretical and empirical issues. Theories and methods from the fields of management, business, economics and psychology form the basis for investigating current phenomena in the aforementioned subject areas, questioning the familiar in new ways and developing innovative approaches to solutions. The transfer of knowledge between science, business and society is another focus of the Jackstaedt Centre.
Kompetenzzentrum für Fortbildung und Arbeitsgestaltung (KOMFOR)

Competence Centre for Advanced Training and Work Organisation (KOMFOR)
In 1997, the Transfer and Cooperation Centre at the University of Wuppertal was founded as the forerunner of the Competence Centre for Continuing Education and Work Organisation (since 2004) in order to address company needs with science-based analyses and recommendations for action derived from them. In most cases, the services are process support over a longer period of time, ranging from the definition of the problem to the definition of the goal and the joint determination of the methods of analysis to intervention and evaluation.
The terms training and work organisation make it clear that what matters to us is the connection between "person" and "situation": Sustainable improvements require the qualification of employees on the one hand and the optimisation of the work situation on the other. Here the Institute combines analysis, data collection and research with service and teaching to provide occupational science advice.
Wuppertaler Institut für bildungsökonomische Forschung (WIB)

Wuppertal Research Institute for the Economics of Education
The Wuppertal Institute for Research in Economics of Education (WIB) is a university-wide scientific institution of the University of Wuppertal supported by the Schumpeter School of Business and Economics and the Institute for Research in Education (IfB) in the School of Education. The WIB emerged from the idea of linking economics, research in the economics of education and empirical educational research more closely together.
Wuppertaler Institut für Unternehmensforschung und Organisationspsychologie (WIFOP)

Wuppertal Institute for Business Research and Organisational Psychology (WIFOP)
The Wuppertal Institute for Business Research and Organisational Psychology (WIFOP) is an interdisciplinary scientific institution of the University of Wuppertal. WIFOP was founded in 2017 at the Schumpeter School of Business and Economics with the aim of establishing a regionally, nationally and internationally recognised centre of excellence for research and application in empirical business research and organisational psychology. The guiding idea of the interdisciplinary research and design approach is "business psychology and economics for people". This is linked to the goal of developing design concepts for the current changes in the world of work that meet both basic human needs and economic requirements.